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Get in too shape !

'Flatsnout boxings' Fit Club is aimed at the average guy / gal in the street that wants to utilize boxing training with a military/ disciplined streak and lose GENUINE pounds.


You will train with me with Flatsnouts Boxercise 'Power Hour' and look to burn 450-600 cals.

You will be given diet advice and have the fit club threads on this website as you nutrition guide.

You will be given Fitness homework and again the sessions and advice are on this website, with me available for 24/7 contact and advice.


-People are losing serious weight and becoming more healthy-this is a simple fact.


-Check out my testimonial and Flatsnout boxing on face book.


-If you want to attain your fitness and physical goals, it is important to understand the principles of training fully ;Training, Nutrition and Rest. 






  • Nutrition is first and is probably the largest miss-informed problem area there is.  In this age of internet highway, goggle all information, there are so many diets and information available, and it would confuse and misinform anybody.  You should try and focus on eating good quality, fresh if possible food, not laden with huge amounts of saturated fats.

Rather than counting calories, you will see on the actual meal plan, it splits the daily intake into 5 small meals.  


  • These are more easily digested and stop the bloated feeling three larger meals give. The ethos behind the weight loss is cutting out the wasted, empty carbohydrates in some of the food you may be eating, whilst increasing your output and getting 6-8 hours decent rest and recovery daily.  The rest really does make a MASSIVE difference. 


  • We are increasing the amount of protein with in the diet, Protein is responsible for the amino acid building blocks in your blood stream, and this re-builds the muscles that you break down whilst training, importantly Protein cannot be stored on the body as fat, if not utilized by the Protein receptors in your blood stream, then it is expelled down the toilet; o)) Not stored as excess body fat. 


  • Hence protein rich foods are utilized; eggs, milk, meat, fish.  Consequently I want you to be careful and thoughtful to your Carbohydrate intake.  This doesn’t mean cutting it out as your body needs carbohydrates to sustain energy levels in the body via Glycogen supplies to the muscles.  Use basic rules and stick with them, 

• eating Carbohydrates such as Rice, Pasta, Noodles try and stick with half your fist as a guide in portion serving.  The rest of the meal should be salad, which is free, make it HUGE and meat, trim the fat off and its pure protein.


•However, certain rules apply.


•No white bread, brown or whole meal granary only, tries Burgen Soya and Linseed bread. 

•Cut the butter and sugar, use margarine and sweeteners. 

•Increase fruit and Vegetables, it’s an effective detox also. 

•Cut empty carbs out such as Sweets, chocolate, biscuits. 


This isn’t forever, but if your mindset is to lose weight, you will not even question this so move on. 

Try and stick to the plan. 


  • Your water intake needs to be around 3 pints per day, water flushes the whole system through and is top of the list for losing weight and maintaining a healthy life style, if you take a 1/2 pint glass of water before each meal, then it hydrates you and makes you feel full. We are aiming at a high protein diet to trim the bodies’ excess fat stores down whilst maintaining adequate carbs to power us through the day. 


So that’s the Nutrition side of the Eternal Triangle; Training is next. 

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I want you to attack the training aggressively and effectively.  When you are at home first thing in the morning, don't saunter into bathroom and think, no he doesn’t know am not doing the exercises, its ok. Do the Abs and press ups set each day, if you are hungry to get the lean look, and then do it at night also?  

The training set by myself and utilizes boxing’s excellent balanced workout ethic.  Using Aerobic and Stretching sessions that I have learned and utilised throughout my career, personally and on others.


 Using boxing and tabata principles to work you hard and increase the metabolic rate to enhance the bodies burning of calories.  If you stick with the programmed and decrease your calorific intake, by cutting out the rubbish in your diet and increase your output by exercising, you will have a calorific deficit each day. (Say 500 cals total, 250 from decent eating and at least 250 by increased exercise) This means you will lose weight. 


It takes 2750 cals to lose one pound of bodily fat, so times each day’s calories saved and times by 7 days and your weekly total is up there showing mathematically how you lose the weight. This is until you achieve a balanced weight that is comfortable for you. 


Physical and mental health benefits that can be achieved through resistance training include:


·         Improved muscle strength and tone – to protect your joints from injury. ...


·         Weight management and increased muscle-to-fat ratio – as you gain muscle; your body burns more kilojoules when at rest.


 Many clients have started training/ dieting and lost huge amounts in the first week; this happens regularly and is the body’s response to a disciplined and regular diet and training plan.  Also the bodies Glycogen stores will be reduced on the muscles and your bladder/ bowels will be flushed through, considering a bowel can contain up to a stone of undigested waste, so the increase in metabolic rate keeps this more regular and controlled. 

Rest and Recovery.




Third in the triangle is rest, the body needs this as a recuperation period for the brain to rest and the body to rest and recover.  8 hours sleep is always given, but anything between 6-8 hours. 


Rest and recovery are critical components of any successful training program. They are also the least planned and underutilized ways to enhance performance. You may not be aware there is a difference between rest and recovery or how to properly implement them. If you train for ten hours per week, you have 158 non-training hours or 95% of your time left for rest and recovery. Where is this entire “extra” time going and why do you walk into your workout dragging?


Most easily defined as a combination of sleep and time spent not training, rest is the easiest to understand and implement. How you sleep and spend this time is very critical.


Recovery, however, refers to techniques and actions taken to maximize your body’s repair. These include hydration, nutrition, posture, heat, ice, stretching, self-myofascial release, stress management, compression, and time spent standing versus sitting versus lying down. Recovery encompasses more than just muscle repair. Recovery involves chemical and hormonal balance, nervous system repair, mental state, and more.


We have different systems that need to recover. These include hormonal, neurological, and structural. Our structural system includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Muscles recover the quickest because they receive direct blood flow. Tendons, ligaments, and bones receive indirect blood flow and therefore can take longer to recover and be more susceptible to over training stress.


For most, the goal should not be set for perfection or include exactly correct levels of each factor - leave that for professional athletes to strive after.


 Our goal is to prioritize life and maximize performance without personal sacrifice.


 Kick back, relax, and enjoy an evening out with friends. Order your favorite beer and get the ribs as this may mentally benefit you more, allow you to unwind, and put you in a better place to perform as opposed to another solitary night of broccoli and chicken. Life for an athlete who sacrifices everything for the sake of performance can very lonely and tiresome.


A balanced combination of rest and recovery along with proper diet and exercise should be a part of any fitness regimen. 


 Unless you are competing at an elite level, you should follow the follow the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of your time can be spent focusing on diet and exercise, while twenty percent should be left for enjoying life. In other words, don’t let yourself get too wrapped up in perfection.


Below we will break down the subcomponents of rest and recovery to provide you with better insight on how to improve performance and overall quality of life.


 A healthy and happy athlete not only performs better, but has the ability to give time and energy to others also.

Elements of Rest and Recovery







 Adequate levels of sleep help to provide mental health, hormonal balance, and muscular recovery. You need to get enough sleep, which is between for most athletes. Everyone has individual needs based on their lifestyle, workouts, and genetic makeup. 


Hours slept before twelve at night are proven to be more effective than those slept after.


Sleep in the most natural setting possible, with minimal to no artificial lights.


Wakeup with the sun if possible.


Fresh air and cooler temperatures help to improve the quality of sleep.




Drinking adequate amounts of water is critical to health, energy, recovery, and performance. Athletes tend to be very attentive to hydration levels close to and during competitions, but keeping that awareness during training and recovery times can make just as large an impact. A few examples are more efficient nutrient uptake, lower levels of stress on the heart, improved skin tone, and better hair quality.


The simplest way to check hydration is to look at your pee. If it is clear to pale yellow you are hydrated. The darker and more color in your pee the less hydrated you are and more water you need to drink.


Water is the best way to hydrate.

Sports drinks are only needed for before, during, and after strenuous training or completion, don’t drink them simply because they taste good.

Flavorings  and other additives simply give you system more to process and cause it further strain. Stick to adding a lemon or lime.




Everything you eat has the ability to help heal your body, or to poison it. This may sound strong, but alcohol and processed foods contain toxins and are harmful to the body. I do not like to recommend a specific diet, but eating clean and balanced meals in moderation is proven to be effective to remain healthy and increase performance. Dairy and wheat are processed differently by everyone and you need to educate yourself on these topics and how they personally affect you. Some people process these food items very well and have no side effects, while other people have slight to severe autoimmune reactions. Start with a diet as your base template and add to it based on your experiences, not what you read by others.


Food in our society goes far beyond fueling the body, so it is not always such a simple choice. We go out to dinner, and most social events have food. The key is achieving balance so you get the results you want, but can also function as a normal person and enjoy life.

Create a meal plan and shop ahead for the week.

Have healthy snacks readily available that you enjoy.

Plan ahead for dinner out by helping to pick the place you’re eating and looking at the menu ahead of time.




this is one of the least focused on areas in the Western culture. We on average spend more time sitting than any other country in the world, and as a general trend have bad posture. This is not a restful position; sitting or standing with bad posture is harmful. It can lead to back or neck pain, specifically for those with desk jobs.

Find a chair that is ergonomically correct.

If you struggle to sit upright use a foam roller or ball in your back to give you a tactile cue and help force good posture.

Don’t lean to one side or on an object for support while standing.




you need enough flexibility to move well and remain pain free. Include dynamic stretching in your warm-ups while saving static stretching for after your workouts. Go through my previous articles that included screens on the squat and ankle movement. Attempt to self-identify tight areas and work on them. Don’t get caught doing the exact same stretches you’ve always done. If you don’t know any new ones, try to attend a yoga class. 



 Heat, Ice, and Compression


Use these techniques for recovering from injuries or a very stressful training.


Spending some additional time focusing on rest and recovery can pay dividends beyond additional training time. It’s essentially legal performance enhancement, yet people don’t take advantage of it because it takes time. 


Dedicating additional time primarily to the three categories of sleep, hydration, and nutrition will increase your output ability, decrease recovery time, and lower your risk of injury. 


It's not essential to have either a cold or hot bath or shower after a work-out but if you need to go back to work or out for the day or evening then it's essential!


Over the past few years, you may have known that footballers and athletes having cold or ice baths straight after a game. The reason behind this is to prevent or reduce any inflammation from injuries that may have occurred during the game. It can also help with a faster recovery, but it's quite painful and not recommended for the average person.


A warm bath or shower is a better option for you, immediately after training as it will help you feel cleansed and more relaxed. It's a great idea to stretch the hamstrings in the bath as the muscles are more relaxed and pliable with warm water.


Leave the cold water and ice baths to professional athletes and enjoy your warm water at the end of each work-out


Don’t ignore your body until it becomes too late and you’re forced to take unnecessary time off due to injury, burnout, or worse.

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