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Flatsnout Boxing
Newcastle Upon Tyne
fitness motivation-advice-mentorship

Flatsnout fight night sponsors
8 Week detox challenge 2018

So 2018 detox 8 week challenge is here !
1st january 2018
enrollment at 3pm
1st boxing session 5 pm-lets do it !
for 149 you recieve-
#teamflatsnout, a proven personal boxing/ training service with amazing results.....
you recieve a full detox/ weight loss planner.....
-weekly diet and fitness Schedules and updates
-a personal online trainer available 24/7
-1 class and 1 pt 121 free per week (additional classes -3 pounds and 121's -15 pounds
MEET AT #fellingwarriors 1st january2018 at 15:00 or 3 pm to sign up.
1st boxing session 17:00 hrs or 5 pm booooom lets do it......
Weekly results...

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