Handy afternoon snacks...
Afternoon Snacks If you long for cake mid-afternoon, a toasted wholemeal breakfast muffin or a crumpet with a scrape of honey is a...

Sunshine improves your mood !
Depression and Sunlight Learn the benefits of a little time in the sun. Stress is an inevitable fact of life. However, you can fight it...

Exercise and Depression....
Exercise and Depression What are the Psychological Benefits of Exercise for People With Depression? Improved self-esteem is a key...

Boxing training....
#Flatsnoutfitnesstraining #flatsnoutboxing #Nononsensetraining #ssafahmforcescharity #50andstillpunchin #health #foodporn #Virusfitness...

Body types...
#Virusfitness #newcastleboxingtrainer #Newcastleboxingtraining #abatrainer #bbboctrainer #absession #RFUTRAINER...

Free Detox 7 day diet..
#NEWCASTLEBOXINGTRAINING #Flatsnoutfitnesstraining #50andstillpunchin #bbboctrainer #abatrainer #bbboctrainer #weightlosstransformation...

Elements of Rest and Recovery...
Elements of Rest and Recovery 1. Sleep Getting adequate levels of sleep is important because it helps to provide you with mental health,...

Rest and Recovery....
Third in the Train/Eat/Rest triangle is rest. The body needs this as it is a recuperation period that enables the brain to rest and the...
Upper body blast...
#flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit #Boxingfitness #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin #health...

Kettle core session....
#Flatsnoutfitnesstraining #flatsnoutboxing #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit #Boxingfitness #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin...