Snow training
"In colder temperatures your heart doesn't have to work as hard, you sweat less, and expend less energy, all of which means you can...

Fitness homework
#Flatsnoutfitnesstraining Basic Fitness Homework Types of training There are two types of training: a steady state, which is referred to...

Boxing movement
Basic Movement Around The Ring. When you move around the ring, it needs to be a comfortable and slick operation, even for the ‘novice’...

Water intake !
#flatsnoutfightnightmay2021 #Newcastleboxingtrainer #water #boxingfitness #boxingworkout #abatrainer #rfutrainer #bbboctrainer...

Keep your daily calorie intake to a reasonable amount. Find out how many calories you need for your age, gender, activity level and your...
Shadow boxing
You might think of shadowboxing as more of a warm-up than an exercise, but it's actually a great full-body workout. During these rounds,...

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF STRETCHING? We all know that stretching is good for you, but most of us rarely stretch and I’m talking about...

How many runs this week ?
While the most apparent benefit of running would be weight loss, the only way one could do so is by running a far distance over a minimum...

Roadwork for boxers helps improve both your anaerobic energy system and your aerobic energy system. By combining aerobic fitness with...

Skipping benefits
Skipping is great for your overall fitness, whether it’s part of a warm-up or included in your main exercise session. Find out some of...