Boxing day !
The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor. Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants,...

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all our boxers, trainers..... Looking forward to fitness, health and a cracking Fight night in April........

Wednesday run!
#Flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Flatsnoutboxing #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit #Boxingfitness #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin...

Monday run day !
#Nononsensetraining #flatsnoutfitnesstraining #flatsnoutboxing #flatsnout #flatsnoutfitness #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit...

Christmas week exercises
#newcastleboxingtraining #Newcastleboxingtrainer #bbboctrainer #rfutrainer #Flatsnoutboxing #Virusfitness #newcastleboxingtrainer...

Christmas training
#Flatsnoutboxing #flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Nononsensetraining #nobullshit #Boxingfitness #boxingtraining #50andfucked #50andstillpunchin...

Why fat is important in diet? Dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth. They also help protect your...

Christmas reduction for 121s!
Merry christmas from #flatsnoutboxing with a £50 reduction to 10 121 personal boxing sessions. Priced £180 from £230, until end of...

The muscle damage initiates a repair process in which certain hormones, along with the macronutrient protein, synthesize new satellite...