Fitness recipe book !
Order your book today ! 100 fitness recipes £14.99

New Flatsnout Fitness -'100 fitness recipes'
New 100 recipe fitness book, healthy tasty, easy to make, £14.99 free p&p

Prep your week guys !
With lockdown, routine has been pushed all over the place! Routine keeps the nutrition/exercise equation working and delivering !

14 day Abs workout
Try working your abs, boxer styley....

Thursday shadow boxing day
Follow the session technically corrected. Sharp, crisp punches

E-Book Flatsnoutboxing 100 fitness recipes
E book for flatsnout fitness 100 fitness recipes.

Sunday sunshine !
Sundays here and the Suns oot, get ya vestcon soak up the Vit D !

Fridays here !
Lockdown fitness for flarsnout boxing, our first online boxing session today