Personal 121 Boxing training.
#flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Flatsnoutboxing #boxingtraining #flatsnoutfitness #NoNonsenseBoxing #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney...

Flatsnout Boxing fight night 6
Fight night 6 ➡️Attention all boxing fans! @flatsnoutfitness are hosting a charity boxing night at Britannia Hotel, Newcastle Airport on...
Come to tough realisations.
➡️Come to some tough realisations The first one is that diets aren’t the answer. There is no quick-fix diet and no one food has magical...

Super Saturday 👍👊
#flatsnoutfitnesstraining #flatsnoutfitness #Supersaturday #flatsnoutfightnight5 #Boxingtoday ➡️Super Saturday ➡️Beginner boxing 12pm...

Record your training and diet to maximise effectiveness.
➡️Research shows that for people interested in losing weight, keeping a journal can be a very effective tool to help change behavior. In...

Flatsnout fight night 5
🇬🇧Flatsnout fight night 5🇬🇧 ➡️Start boxing training for fitness, or to compete. ➡️Join our squad of novice boxers, training to...

Young guns !
Boxing for Juniors is really taking off. We're picking up our gloves and to get fighting fit, but that's not to say some of us aren't...

Funds for Freddie !
#flatsnoutfitnesstraining #flatsnoutfightnight4 #Childrenscancernorth #Childhoodeyecancertrust So we handed over the collected funds to...

£3100 raised for Freddies Charitys !
Flatsnout boxing had our fight night 4 last Saturday 4th of March. It was a cracking night with a full house at the Britannia hotel,...

Stick to New Year resolutions !?
#FlatsnoutFitness #januarynewyearresolutions ➡️If You Want to Stick to Your Fitness New Year's Resolutions, Read This.......... Coming...