Bootcamp training
Boxing Bootcamp. We've started these in the mornings to give folks a taste of what boxing training can do and indeed benefit you ! This...

5 Remarkable Health Benefits of Swimming SWIMMING IS A BENEFICIAL EXERCISE BECAUSE IT: #1 – Provides Low-Impact Cardio. ... #2 – Provides...
Opening day free training
#Flatsnoutboxing #Flatsnoutfitnesstraining #Nononsensetraining #boxingfitness #boxingtraining ❎️1st August refurb completed, so a free...

Basic tips on Nutrition....
What Fuel Does Your Body Need? Protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals and water – your body needs all of these, but what are...

Mind set- A positive attitude to training
Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice of focusing on the good in any given situation. It can have a big impact on...

Exercise and Depression
Exercise and Depression What are the Psychological Benefits of Exercise for People With Depression? 👉Improved self-esteem is a key...
Christmas New Year training....
Our classes are running as per usual on: Bootcamp/Beginners- Tues 10am and Sat 12pm Adults class- Tuesdays/ Thursdays at 7-8pm and...

why online training ?
What Are The Benefits of Online Personal Training? Flexibility. Online fitness coaching offers flexibility that works with your schedule....

Weight loss and nutrition
#Flatsnoutboxing #Basic Nutrition Nutrition is first and it can be a big problem area there’s so much misinformation about it. In this...