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Boxing punches

Flatsnout Boxing Boxing Technique.  

The punches The punches used in the Boxing ring can be broken down simply into the following.   I have given a picture and description of how to throw, with some simple basic mistakes and how to counter them. The Jab. The most simple of all punches, in deed the shortest point between you hands and the opponents face. body is the jab.  Simple and effective, either as a point scorer, to start the combination flowing or as a hard single shot in itself. Feet just over shoulder width apart if your Orthodox( Right hander), stand with the left forward as me in pic. Hands should be up as in the pic to form the fortress of defence (Foe).  Elbows tucked smartly into the abdoms to protect agaist body shots.  You should be light and on your toes with a slight bend in the knees. The punch starts with the left foot moving forward exploding off the rear foot and the jab hand ( left for orthodox) extending straight untill elbow is straight and the knuckles are rotated on to the target area with a sharp ''usssh' to focus the heart and mind. Southpaws, will stand with the right foot forward with right hand up as the jab and left hand as the back hand cross punch.  Assuming the fortress (Engarde) position. Common Faults with the Boxing Jab There are a number of common problems that can occur when throwing a jab:

  1. Trying hit too hard.  The desire to throw the punch hard often results in the boxer’s weight transferring to the front leg.  This has the effect of affecting the balance and making you very open to counter-attack.  Remember, the jab will often be thrown as you move forward, so throwing the weight onto the front leg is very high risk!

  2. The punch is ‘telegraphed’, or tell-tale movement before the punch begins it’s journey.  These movements are often the elbow lifting to the side or the fist dropping slightly, both of which are dead giveaways.

  3. The boxer allows the punch to become an upper-body movement.  Ensure that the rotation of the upper-body is generated by the push from the front leg.

A good quality Jab is the basic tool of the trade for any half decent boxer, you need to work on it and master the technique.  It can quiet literally win you the fight. Many years ago I was competing for the RAF versus Norwich lads club and I pulled my trap muscle before entering the ring on the warm up, I persevered and with only a jab won the bout, I must have thrown a 1000 jabs in the 3*3 rounds lol. Straight Jab The Cross. Either the right hand with an orthodox (right handed fighter or left with a southpaw).  The back hand and recognized as the power shot.   The right and is a difficult one for beginners as they tend to lift the back foot off the floor to gain power, it is the very basis of the power itself being a firm power triangle of the feet on the floor, transmitted via the snap rotation of the hip; (this  significant rotation of the hips around the vertical, central axis.   If you think of the stance being held on the face of a clock on the floor, the left hip would be in the starting position at 11 o’clock, whilst the right hip would be in the starting position at 5 o’clock.   Following rotation, the right hip will arrive at 2 o’clock and the left hip would arrive at 8 o’clock.)  up through the shoulders and down along the arm and rotated onto the target with a sharp ''Usss'', to harness mind and body. Its this snap rotation of the hips that defines the power of the right cross and must worked on and developed One one thing to also add for advanced fighters is the 'cork screw', turn the fist over as it impacts the target area and you will impart more force and ultimately damage upon the opponent.  (Note in pic the knuckle is rotated over) Common Mistakes. Perhaps the most common mistake I see daily with beginners, when throwing the right cross, is lifting the back foot off the ground when throwing the cross, totally losing all power base.   I counter this with a dip in the back leg knee to load the rifle then fire the right cross, power through the right back leg and with a sharp twist in the hip. Telegraphing. Perhaps the most common problem is chin up and telegraphing the right cross, get your chin down and stalk the opponent and fire when ready of contact. Right cross. The left and right hook.

  • Pivot your feet clockwise (about 90 degrees) as you drop the right heel and lift the left heel.

  • Your body rotates as one solid block when you pivot your feet.

  • The left arm tightens as you swing your left fist into the target.

*** For a left hook to the body, leave your left hand down and throw with a vertical fist. The left hook is easily one of the deadliest punches in boxing.  It comes from a side angle making it tricky to defend when an opponent is expecting straight punches. It’s also common for knockouts because the punch turns the head and easily makes opponents dizzy.  You can throw left hooks to the head with your fist horizontal or vertical; for a beginner, I recommend you to use the ones that feels most natural. Left hooks to the body are the most common way to attack the body.  The “liver shot” (located under your right ribs) is known to be incredibly painful and has led to many body shot knockouts. Body shots typically take the wind out of you and kill your legs, hampering your ability to move. A well-placed body shot can momentarily paralyze your legs and keep you from standing even if you’re conscious and still willing to fight.   I personally call this the ''Rib-tickler'', the short sharp left hook cum uppercut to the body, aiming for the floating rib. The hook around the other side is called the 'back breaker' and this aims to impact around the back of the elbow on the other side.   Working these together in close, is a worth while attacking method, concentrating on the technique and sharpness of impact, can leave the boxer under attack totally and utterly bewildered and out of breather forcing a stoppage. Left Hook (Above) Right hook(Below) Body shot(Back breaker) Body Shot (Rib-tickler) The Uppercut. The hardest part about mastering the uppercut is to disregard the way it looks.   You can throw the uppercut from any stance but for now we’ll stick to a neutral stance.  Position yourself for the uppercut the same way that you would for a right cross or left hook. The COMMON MISTAKE is to try and duck down or bend your knees or drop your hands low to “prepare” for the uppercut.   The uppercut can be thrown from your basic boxing stance, no preparation or modified positions are necessary. The body mechanics of the uppercut will be the same as your other power punches.

  • For the left uppercut, rotate your body the same way you would for a left hook.

  • For the right uppercut, rotate your body the same way you would for a right right cross.

Your body moves the same way like for a cross or hook, even though your arm is coming with an upwards angle now. The shoulders, hips, leg, and feet, will all pivot the same way. Don’t change anything or visualize the body movement differently just because your hand is going upwards instead of straight (cross) or around (hooks). The COMMON MISTAKE is to lean back or “pop” upwards with your legs or do weird things with your body because you’re visualizing an upwards momentum. The only thing that changes for the uppercut is the angle of your arm, not your body movement. The arms make a sharp compact loop. You don’t need to release the fist all the way out or drop the fist before the punch.  Remember that the uppercut is a short punch; if you have to reach, you’re probably not in range. Simply relax the arm as you release the uppercut and tighten the hand on impact.  Keep your elbows down tucked in close to the body, the elbow of the arm throwing uppercut , should slide close to that hip and then upwards movement and your palm facing you throughout the uppercut. Keep your opponent in view. Your head should not be leaned over or leaned back or moving in a way that makes it hard for you to see your opponent. If anything, keep a small distance between your head and your opponent’s head so that there’s a nice compact space for your arm to travel. With your elbows down and palms facing you, release your arm in a fast sharp compact loop. I personally like to loop and twist the fist onto the target also, to impart a final added venow to the punch, of course finished off with an 'Ussss' ; to focus and harness mind and body. This a very basic guide and I will continue this further. Good luck and if you need help either call me or buy a Personal 1-2-1 and I will coach you through each punch.....



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