Cross Trainer...
Cross trainer
If you haven’t used this machine as part of your fitness routine, take a look because there are few better all around exercise devices. You can get an entire body workout from the cross trainer because it’s designed to tone various body parts with a fluid, low-impact motion. Its health benefits include heart healthy, cardiovascular conditioning, bone strengthening and increased lung capacity. People often believe mistakenly that the elliptical is an easy exercise that’s inferior to running or rowing, but that’s not the case. It isolates certain muscles, so they get a more focused workout.
While running impacts on your joints and not using a rowing machine properly can lead to back strain, the cross trainer gives you a less stressful workout session. The combined effect of working your lower body, arms, and shoulders on the cross-trainer means that many other muscle groups are needed as well. The elliptic movement and handles require effort from the calves, quads, biceps, triceps and even your core. Cross training is a great toning exercise that requires aerobic activity. As you get used to each programme, you can increase the levels, much like the traditional treadmill.